Am I Getting Good at This? - Second Round of Planting!
This week was my second time planting seeds and I planted radish and pole beans! I am watching my sunflowers, zinnia, and basil seeds grow and am getting so excited knowing that I must have done something right! However, I can already see my growth in how well my new seeds from this week are germinating. My pole beans and radishes have already sprouted within days. This could be because of the type of plant, but I'd like to say it's because I'm becoming a better gardener!
Overall I think that planting has been much more active and difficult than I expected. You would think that you just plant seeds, water them, and they grow beautifully. This is clearly not the case as now that my seeds have been planted I am on constant alert of how much water and sunlight they are receiving. I am already running into issues as one of my sunflower stems is starting to fall over. I am watering it less now and hoping that is a step in the right direction. As my plants are all outdoor plants, they are getting a lot of sunlight and humidity that I need to be cautious of throughout each plant's growth. I do think that I'll get more confident with my gardening skills as I continue throughout the semester.
Below you can see one of my planters with my sunflowers on the right, my zinnia sprout in the back, and my new pole beans growing in the front left!
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