Planting Seeds...for the FIRST TIME!

This week was my first time planting plants ever! That also means it was my first time germinating plants as well. I'd like to say that my experiences went smoothly this week and I am a natural gardener, but that was not the case. Soil and water got everywhere and I was dripping in sweat by the time I finished, but now I'm so excited for the next seeds I get to plant. I learned so much from how deep and far apart to plant the seeds, as well as how much to water them. 

 The most important update from this week in my garden .... I have some sprouts! My sunflower seeds have begun to visibly grow by the end of this week and that makes me feel like I have to be doing something right. My first instinct is to make sure my seeds get a lot of water and sunlight in their first few weeks to help with germination, but I don’t want to overdo it and end up ruining the process. 

Pictured below is my germination station for my first week of gardening. If you look closely at the planter on the right, you can see my sunflowers beginning to grow!
