Organic Gardens & Plant Growth!
I learned more about organic gardening this week and was surprised to learn that my own garden is not considered to be organic due to the fertilizer I have been using on my plants. I associate the word "organic" with "healthy", but this does not mean that non-organic gardens are unhealthy. I have personally witnessed my plants grow and would consider them to be fresh and healthy vegetables but with just one fertilizer used and the inability to get my garden certified organic, it would never truly be able to be called organic. I never knew how many regulations go into organic agriculture, and am unsure if it makes a big difference in our own diets. I want to do more research and see which crops are better to eat organic and which do not make a difference. With the term "organic" being coined by a magazine, I am not sure how important it is after all!
This week I should have been on track to tie my bell pepper plants to a stake so that they do not fall over. Unfortunately, my plants are alive but not that tall yet, so I have put the stake in and am waiting until they are taller to tie them to the stake. Below in the bottom left you can see my bell pepper plants next to the stake that they will soon be tied to!
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